Monday, September 10, 2007

The Next three BANDAI Soul of Chogokin Releases

Here are some Summit 2007 pics from the good Folks at Hobby Link Japan. An SOC BAIKANFU ( with the Pilot that goes into a mech that then goes into a bigger robot!) expect this piece to be about $169 USD.

Next we have a promo Blueprint teaser for THE SOC GODMARS (NO PRICE MENTIONED) personally I have no Intrest in this one but I'll post it Nevertheless.

Finally what I've been all a buzz about like a sonwblower in Columbia, the FIRST IMAGES OF THE SOC RAIDEEN WITH MOUNTAIN BASE!! (ohhhhhhhhhh joy) I've heard some people out there say that they have alot of Raideen stuff and
have no need for this piece (...vic...) BULLSHIT you know your going to get it stop lying to yourself. LOOK AT IT!! I SAID LOOK YOU FOOLS!!!

High Res. IRONMAN Teaser trailer ** HOT**

I love the times we live in, this looks to be the Mother of all Marvel movies as long as they don't inject an unneeded love story
in it.

Love the casting and Visuals and the Suit looks spot on

check it out

Thursday, September 6, 2007


I found this on one of my boring ass overnight shifts and thought I should share.

The scene when he blows into the cartridge brought a tear to my eye

bon apetite